You know you probably will need an attorney. However, you have little or no experience in how to select one. You are bombarded in the media with television, radio, newspaper and magazine ads by law firms representing their abilities and experience.
It is important to understand that some law firms and attorneys who advertise have limited trial experience and, in fact, may refer the clients to other attorneys to handle the matter.
Additionally, it is helpful to understand that attorneys who market themselves as the recipient of awards or titles bestowed upon them from various legal publications often times receive those awards or titles from publications after paying for ads in said publications. This is one factor in Mr. Hall’s decision not to advertise on television, radio or in printed publications.
In order to understand whether the attorney or law firm you consider is right for you, it is helpful to ask specific questions about that attorney or law firm’s experience with litigation.

See Personal Injury Law Tab for specific questions to ask when hiring an attorney.

Contact John Hall to learn about your rights and options for legal remedies.